This is it, the last year of my twenties! I’m turning 29 y’all and I’ve never felt better! I feel like I’m at a good place in my life and things are starting to come together. And by all means, I’m not bragging about my life by this statement. There’s always improvement to make. I can always be a better person overall, hold a higher position at my job, be a better mom and wife, be more fit, or be more financially successful. However, I also want to give myself grace and acknowledge where I am and what I have accomplished. So I want to appreciate and be thankful for all the things I have in life. With that, I want to share today the 29 things that are important to me that I want to do more of:
- Write down my goals, long term goals and short term goals. Do this weekly.
- Plan out projects (tasks and their timelines), whether it work project or blog project. It helps me feel like I have better control of time.
- At the same time, be flexible and adapt to change.
- Keep a content calendar for the blog and stick to it.
- Sometimes I feel silly sharing an idea (could be something for my blog). For some people, it could be silly, but for others, it’s everything they’ve been waiting for. So even if I feel silly, do it anyways!
- It’s not about how many times I exercise a week. It’s about setting a schedule that I can keep up with consistently.
- Take better care of my skin at night.
- Use SPF every morning. And face masks 2-3x/week.
- Take my daily vitamins.
- Sleep 8 hours a night.
- Be present. I spend so much time on my devices because both of my jobs require that, and I find it hard to be present physically with my family. So have dedicated work time, and schedule no-screen time.
- Continue teaching my baby more of our values and beliefs. It surprises me how quickly she adapts to the family rituals and how we do things. And I know she just loves to learn more.
- Be more patient, especially at home, with the people I love.
- Tidy up the house regularly.
- It’s totally okay to have a flower budget to brighten the house with my favorite flowers.
- Date my husband more often.
- Declutter and purge often. People think I have a huge wardrobe being a fashion blogger. But I don’t, I purge things I don’t need almost weekly. I mostly donate or sell.
- Have a budget, and stick to it.
- I have stopped using credit card debt for almost 2 years. It’s a wonderful thing. Consumer debt is overrated!
- If I want something expensive, instead of putting it on a credit card now and pay the debt over 6 months, rather save the same amount for 6 months and buy it with cash.
- Always keep an emergency fund.
- Know the difference between an asset and a liability. An assets puts money in my pocket, a liability takes money out of my pocket.
- It’s not about how much I make, it’s about how well I manage what I already have. In order to receive more, I must know what to do with what I got.
- It’s okay to save for something and enjoy the time being of longing for it while I save up. It’s that much sweeter when I can finally bring it home.
- Give myself and others grace. We’re all human.
- Automate and delegate! For bills, I put them on automated payment. For tasks I can’t afford with my time, like grocery shopping, I use a service.
- Love what I have. I’m on social media a lot due to the nature of being a blogger. And it’s easy to see what others have and want a bigger house, or a better car. But I believe that in order to have more, I must love and take great ownership of what I already have.
- I love having a routine. It puts my body and mind into a rhythm. The more I practice my routine, the better and quicker I get things done.
- Seek to serve in every day opportunities. Whether it’s “how can I serve my readers today on IG, on Stories, etc.? Or how can I serve my family? At my job? In my community?”.
And I also want to say thank you so much for being a reader of my blog. I love and appreciate each and everyone of you. Without you, there wouldn’t be With Love Lily Rose. Cheers! Here’s to another trip around the sun!
Outfit details: Strapless ruffles dress | Block mules | Headband
Aww this is a really good list! A lot of people tend to focus on what they haven’t done when they reach a certain age so it’s important to shift the perspective and celebrate all the things we have accomplished. Thanks for sharing doll & hope you had a great birthday!
Des | https://www.itsbetterinheels.com